My oldest daughter is now 8 years old. My initial thought is how that went so fast, how time flew by and how quickly she has grown. However, while editing her imagery I noticed something that I hadn’t noticed in quite some time. She is still so, so little. Yes, she is the responsible older sister to 3, almost 4 siblings. She’s reading and writing stories and helps out a lot. She’s developed her own likes and dislikes and can pretty much take care of herself. But look at that face, look into those eyes… that’s my baby girl right there. The one who made me a mother. She still needs me to snuggle her when she’s sad, she still wants to tell me all her stories and detail all the different Rainbow Looms she plans to make. She is still so small. At 8 she has so much life ahead of her, God willing. And I pray that I may always be her strength, her supporter and her comforter. I pray that she will always want to talk my ear off, that she will never lose her love of reading or her compassionate, caring nature. I pray above all that God will always protect her from pain and hurt in this life, that He will guard her gentle heart, that she may bestow her love on others. I love you sweet girl!



      She’s beautiful. Love your words & images. xo