It’s wonderful to be able to celebrate your little ones first year of life with a session to document just who they are at this point. In one year a child changes so much and those moments are fleeting, slipping between your fingers before you realize their importance. This family is special to me as their grandmother gifts them each with a session for their first birthday and I can’t imagine a better gift! At one, there is no toy more wonderful than a water bottle or your phone or keys. Take this chance instead to give them a gift they will keep forever. Please contact me at for more information.

      Meet Connor. He had just turned one when I took his portraits (although it’s terrible of me to admit, that was all the way back in April!) He was full of life and energy, and as soon as we had him still enough to take an image, he’d pop his thumb out of his mouth as his gums were hurting him, poor thing. I’m glad I was able to distract him with this little wooden duck I had in the studio. I was sure to include it in their prints package when their order was complete- it just seemed right that he should have it for his room after that.


