Audrey Hepburn once said “Happy girls are the prettiest” and I do believe she is right. A smile like this one will brighten any day. And today is a special day, because Eden is five. No longer my baby, but a little girl, preparing for Kindergarten next week. She’s excited and ready, and I am not.

      Eden is and always has been, a joy to have at home. She spends hours and hours playing with little princess figurines, Barbies, dress-up clothes and ponies. She creates imaginary worlds and stories out loud and hearing her sweet voice from the playroom always gives me this little pain in my heart- simultaneously happy and sad. Sad because she won’t always be so little and so innocent and she’s growing up too fast! She loves puzzles and board games, coloring and painting but most of all, she loves her family. There is never a shortage of love from Eden. She adores her little brother and sister and showers them with hugs and kisses each day. Her big sister is her hero, and Eden sticks right by her side everywhere they go. And she loves her Lord as well. Every other line in her personal prayers is “and we LOVE you Lord, we just love you so much!” How blessed we are to know and love this beautiful little girl. Happy Birthday Eden! We love you more than you could ever dream…

      five year old girl wearing crochet and flower dress

      Portraits of five year old girl

      Beautiful five year old girl looking out the window

      Five year old girl dancing in studio

      Beautiful girl portraits

      Five year old girl in crochet and floral chiffon dress sitting in chair




      Beautifully said for a beautiful girl! She seems so so sweet. Amazing photos as always!

      So adorable:) Happy birthday, Eden!

      Tamsen, she’s (not surprisingly) gorgeous. And seems so sweet. I feel your pain for Kindergarten. I’ve cried more this week than I have in years. 🙁 Love the images.

      this is too beautiful for words… the photos, the girl, and the words you wrote. Brings me to tears!! Happy birthday baby girl xoxo

      What a beauty she is! Happy Birthday big girl!